Setting up Couchbase on Azure for people in a hurry

We're collaborating with the open source guys over at Microsoft on some content and events. One of the questions that came up was: what's the easiest way to set up Couchbase on Azure? Now, that sounds rather trivial - just look at the Couchbase docs and follow the instructions. But…

Couchbase transport plugin for Elasticsearch 5.0-alpha2

TL;DR: Get the preview release of the plugin for ES 5.0-alpha2 here. While I was working on updating the Couchbase transport plugin for Elasticsearch 2.x, Elastic went and released an alpha version of 5.0. There are a lot of changes in various APIs, breaks from backwards…

Couchbase Transport Plugin for Elasticsearch 2.x

TL;DR: Get it here: While the folks at Elasticsearch are busy working on version 5.0, I've now released updated versions of the Couchbase transport plugin for versions 2.x. Elasticsearch 2.0 brought a lot of changes to the security model, then…

Workaround for N1QL * queries in the .NET SDK

TL;DR: SELECT myBucket.* FROM myBucket A change in the way N1QL returns results for star queries in Couchbase Server 4.1 seems to have broken how the .NET SDK deserializes the returned results. It causes the Query<> method to return the correct number of results, but with…

Using Couchbase from Delphi

TL;DR: Expose the Couchbase .NET SDK through COM interop by wrapping it in a simple facade class. I got an unusual request today: a prospective Couchbase customer wants to use the database from a Delphi application. Turns out Delphi is still a thing! Who knew? As it happens, it's…

Validating Couchbase Referential Integrity with N1QL

TL;DR: Join the bucket to itself with an outer left join on the foreign (reference) ID, where the right side of the join is missing. Most NoSQL databases do not have built-in support for referential integrity and Couchbase Server is no exception. The best you can do is check…