Static IPs on Windows Azure - the Right Way

TL;DR: Use the Set-AzureStaticVNetIP cmdlet to reserve static IPs in a VNet. Yesterday I saw a blog post about deploying Couchbase on Windows Azure. It was good in everything related to creating VMs and actually installing Couchbase, but it had one flaw: it relied on the order in which…

Lessons in Couchbase: The Danger of Underprovisioning

It's story time! Recently, I consulted for a client on upgrading from their current big data infrastructure centered around Azure SQL and Azure Queues, to a more robust and scalable architecture, with Couchbase Server and HDInsight. As part of the Couchbase POC, we ran load tests on various configurations of…

Exporting data from Couchbase Server

First post about Couchbase Server - gotta start somewhere, so I'll briefly talk about a usecase that came up recently. Sometimes, you want to export your data from Couchbase. It might be because you want to have a backup in another system, or you want to use the data for…

GPGPU Series - Introduction

Next week I'll be giving a talk about General Purpose Computing on the GPU (GPGPU) at the Sela Developer Practice conference. [Update: The website now shows SDP 2014, the post talks about SDP 2013.] There is no way to fit all the cool stuff you can do with GPGPU into…

Setting up Ghost as a Windows Azure Web Site

Since the Ghost hosting service isn't available yet, I figured I'd go ahead and set up a Windows Azure node.js web site and deploy Ghost. But lo and behold, as I scroll down the list of web site templates in the site creation wizard, I see a Ghost app…